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New Australian filter technology makes a splash at global water expo

Fri, 22 Nov 2019

Aquatech Amsterdam is the world’s leading trade show for process, drinking and wastewater


Waterco’s pioneering and proprietary water treatment solutions – which includes the world’s largest commercial filter to receive AS/NZS 4020:2005 Certification from the Australian Water Quality Centre – have attracted international acclaim at this month’s Aquatech exhibition in Amsterdam.

The leading water trade show for process, drinking and wastewater, Aquatech attracts over 25,000 international delegates from the desalination, agriculture, municipal water treatment, industrial process water and drinking water sectors.

“This year, for added wow-factor and to demonstrate Waterco's manufacturing capabilities, we displayed one of our largest products – the MPD10,000 Commercial Fibreglass Nozzle Plate Media Filter,” says Waterco Europe Export Sales Executive Robert Harris. “Cut into two half-shells to highlight the extent of the reinforcement above and below the nozzle plate, the new display certainly attracted the right kind of attention.”

MultiCyclone centrifugal filters, polypropylene cartridge and bag filters, Glass Pearl filter media, and glass reinforced plastic strainers were also shown to demonstrate the continually innovative approach taken by Waterco's R&D teams to tackle the current and future requirements of the water treatment industry. 

“We took over 140 enquiries over the four-day duration of the show, with visitors from South America, USA, the far reaches of Europe, the Middle East, and the whole of Asia and Australasia,” says Harris. “It was a huge success and bolsters what is already Waterco’s largest growth segment.”


The first-choice supplier in industrial water treatment

Commercial and industrial filter sales continue to grow rapidly across Waterco's global divisions, reinforcing the company’s focus in the global water treatment space.

“Robustness and durability are vital in our target industries, and to be able to demonstrate so convincingly why Waterco should be the first-choice supplier in industrial water treatment made the show a real success,” Harris explains.

“Efficient and clear communication with customers, word of mouth as we build our presence in new industry sectors, and the continual engineering developments resulting in the introduction of 8 Bar and 10 Bar variants, all play a major role in Waterco's continued success.”

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